John Oliver loves performing stand-up most - CBS News

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John Oliver loves performing stand-up most

John Oliver loves performing stand-up most
John Oliver loves performing stand-up most 06:08

This week on 60 Minutes, correspondent Bill Whitaker profiles comedian John Oliver. Known for his Sunday night show "Last Week Tonight," Oliver has won awards and accolades for his searing commentary on America. 

Although Oliver's HBO show is now in its 12th season, he has not lost touch with the stand-up comedy that launched his career. While preparing for a stand-up show backstage at the Beacon Theater in New York City, Oliver told Whitaker that performing stand-up is his "favorite place to be."

In the video above, Oliver explains why it is helpful for comedians to perform sets that are not well received by the audience.  

"It's good for you. Bombing is a key, key part of stand-up," Oliver said. "You learn more from failure than you do from success. There is sometimes a real excitement in struggling through a gig and learning lessons from it. Failure is a hell of a tutor."

John Oliver stand-up performance filmed at the Beacon Theatre, NYC. 

The video above was produced by Brit McCandless Farmer and Scott Rosann. It was edited by Scott Rosann. 

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